Original "The Jockey Silk"



"The Jockey Silk" is a Kim Perry Original that focus' on the intricate details and vibrant colors of a jockey silk, creating a striking and visually engaging composition. The canvas comes alive with the bold and contrasting hues of the silk, which is the central focus of the artwork.

Kim skillfully captures the texture of the fabric, using layers of oil paint to convey the sheen and smoothness of the silk. The folds and drapes of the material create a sense of movement, suggesting the dynamic nature of horse racing. The colors chosen for the silk are likely to be intense and eye-catching, reflecting the tradition of vivid and distinctive jockey silks used to identify individual racehorses and their riders.

Each stroke of the palette knife contributes to the overall complexity of the silk's visual appeal, inviting the viewer to appreciate the craftsmanship involved in creating such elaborate racing attire. The background may be kept relatively simple, but leaves the jockey silk to take center stage and command attention it fully deserves. 

"The Jockey Silk"

24" x 18"

This beautiful original piece by Kim Perry is now located at All About Kentucky in Paris, KY.

Oil on Canvas

Gallery Wrapped Canvas/Ready to Hang

"The only time you should ever look back is to see how far you've come." - Anonymous